Monday, June 15, 2015

Enrol today, claim it back on tax next month!

Did you know that studies are tax deductible in most cases?

Almost any out of pocket course fees and expenses can be claimed! And the best part is, with tax time just around the corner, you won’t be out of pocket very long!

Because of this, June is a popular time for employees to put their staff through courses for professional development - so you might even want to consider asking your boss if they would be willing to help you out!

So, what’s the catch? There isn’t one! The course only needs to have a connection to your current employment! Study that will improve your skills and knowledge in your chosen field, or be likely to result in a pay rise and/or promotion are eligible!

 It’s not just your course fee’s that you can claim! If you are a student you can claim back the following:

·         Computer/laptop/tablet
·         Any computer related expenses such as repairs, programs or even your internet fees!
·         Purchase of equipment or technical instruments
·         Postage
·         Phone calls related to your study
·         Stationery
·         Trade, professional or academic journals
·         Related texts (eg magazines, newspapers and books)

You will be improving more than your just your tax return. Further study will give you the ticket to that pay rise, promotion or career change you have been chasing!

So what are you waiting for? Enrol today and claim it back on tax in just a few weeks! Visit our website or call us directly on 1300 650 569.

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