While roles are numerous and varied, they do require knowledge, skills, and sometimes years of experience. Writers should be persistent in pursuing their passion as there may be some rejection along the way. You cannot allow this to deter you! A woman was famously rejected from hundreds of publishers when she approached them regarding a story about a boy wizard. That woman was J.K.Rowling, and the boy in that story was Harry Potter.

Outside having exceptional spelling and grammar, writers need to be able to complete tasks independently, practice good time management, meet deadlines and be determined to succeed in a competitive industry. Creativity is also exceptionally important - particularly if you are required to come up with your own story subjects, plan on writing fiction or want to get into copy for advertising.
Additional skills to add to your CV are shorthand (in case of equipment malfunction) and a sound knowledge of computer software. Many journalists also take photography classes to expand their skill set. Most writers can write a great article, but if you can format your copy and add in your own pictures (therefore performing three separate roles) you will be a force to be reckoned with!
If you dream of becoming a writer, your next step is to get some formal training behind you. There is no set qualification that employers prefer, so it is wise to choose a course that targets you areas of interest. Want to be a travel writer? Find a course that covers travel writing as an elective module!
From here, the key to improving your skills and finding work is simple. You need to write! Either get some work experience at your local paper, submit articles to magazines such as Frankie, or take matters into your own hands by starting a blog. This could be as simple as reviewing the latest cinematic offerings, or restaurants in your local area. If you can find something you are interested in it will keep you motivated.
Beyond personal interest, you may even be able to start doing some additional work at your current place of employment. Newsletters, publications, blogs or online social media work within your current organisation can be a great way to build up your portfolio! So go ahead, ask your boss. You have nothing to lose (except your very first J.K.Rowling style rejection).
To find out more about Learning Clouds writing and journalism courses, visit our website or contact 1300 650 569.
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