As Learning Cloud offers CV tips to our students, we have seen far more horrific than magnificent resumes. Here is a few simple tips that can have your resume placed in the "yes" pile.
Leave out your age and address. Although employers are not supposed to discriminate, it can and does happen! Race, religious and political views should also be eliminated.
Bad email addresses can completely ruin your beautiful, perfectly presented resume. Although hilarious when you were thirteen, it may be time to get rid of and opt for a more professional point of contact!
Spell check your work. Then check it again. Then get someone else to check it. Twice. Employees are looking for a reason to eliminate your resume as much as they are looking for a reason to interview you. Misspelt words can make you look uneducated or, at the very least, show that you lack attention to detail.
The above also applies for grammatical errors. If you are uncertain about the meaning of a word, do not include it. It does not make you look smarter. Especially if you are using the word out of context.
Read the job advertisement carefully and take the time to demonstrate how you meet the selection criteria. You should be tailoring your resume and cover letter to every single job you apply for.
Avoid cliches such as "great communication skills" unless you can demonstrate specific examples within your resume. Think about your unique qualities and specific achievements in your current and previous roles. Use these to sell yourself and show how you have been of value to past employers.
Show recent vocational training. This is a prime example of showing how you are "eager to learn" without using another cliche.
Do not include hobbies or interests unless they can add value to the role you are applying for. Learning a different language? That could be extremely beneficial in a call centre or communications role. The fact that you enjoy casual belly dancing classes on the weekend? Not so much. If what you do in your personal time has no bearing on your suitability for the role, leave it out.

Once you have done some editing and sent your resume off to an employer, you must not forget the golden rule of the digital age. Check your online profile. Either remove all photos of you in a mini skirt, Bintang singlet or with drink in hand - or update ALL your privacy settings immediately.
Most employers will do a quick social media search these days, despite it being slightly unethical. It really would be a shame if all the time and effort you have spent updating your resume was destroyed because you have visible photos of yourself pashing some random on the dance floor!
We wish you all the best with your job search!
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