Recent studies have revealed the enormous health benefits of having a canine companion, including:
- Less likely to suffer from depression
- Lower blood pressure and cholesterol than those without pets
- Heart attack patients with pets survive longer than those without
- Pet owners over 65 make 30% less visits to the Doctor than those without
One of the reasons for this may be the additional physical exercise pet owners partake in through walking and playing with their pup. Another is that pets fulfil one of the most basic human needs: touch. Touch helps soothe humans when anxious or stresses, as well as easing loneliness.
Dogs have also proved to have a number of benefits for children including lowered risk of allergies and asthma, as well as teaching responsibility, compassion and empathy from a young age.
Some children with autism and other learning difficulties find it easier to bond with animals which can also help with loneliness and encourage the child to forge relationships with others.
Before you leap into purchasing a pet, remember that it is a big commitment - both on your time and finances. Pets need food, exercise, medical attention, room to run around, love and attention. Especially dogs. You should choose a dog breed that is right for you, your family and your space.
You should also endeavour to treat your pet with the love and attention they deserve - especially after learning all the health benefits that your furry friend is providing you!
To learn more about how to care for your canine, groom and train please visit our website or call us on 1300 650 569.
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