Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The rise of Aquaponics

Aquaponic operations first started in the 1980's and have grown with the rise of the local food movement in recent decades.

So, what is aquaponics? It is a system of aquaculture in which waste produced by farmed fish or other aquatic creatures supplies the nutrients for plants grown hydroponically - which in turn purify the water. 

It is a great example of a sustainable system, and farmers from all over the globe are starting to take notice. While not exactly big business at the moment, you will find aquaponic growers in each state and the practice is most certainly on the rise. Research by the US government even suggests that it could be a solution to food issues in third world countries.

Its growing popularity can be contributed to its ability to solve a number of food related problems. Firstly, there is no need for fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides or genetically modified seeds and organisms in this perfectly balanced system. It uses just 3% of the water needed, and produce matures three times faster than traditional, soil grown plants.

Because the plants are grown in a controlled environments, they are free from the threat of climate change, wild weather conditions and invasive pests. And the best part is, an aquaponic system can be built anywhere.

For those considering an aquaponic venture, it is important to note that there is not one, but two areas of revenue available. Not only can the fish be sold for consumption, but you can also sell the plants or fresh vegetables produced. 

You may choose to start your own fresh produce stand at your local organic market, or become a supplier for local restaurants and grocers. Whatever your goal is, Learning Cloud offers a great short aquaponic production course to help get you started!

For more information, visit our website, request a free info pack or give us a call today!

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